47 leads for a traditional bearing manufacturer (case study SKF)
The SKF company approached us a few months ago saying that it wants to expand its clientele in the territory of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania. We were happy to pick up this gauntlet. We have already combed the Czech market and are currently preparing for the Slovak one.
SKF has a long tradition in the Czech Republic and is one of the leaders in its field. The question therefore arose as to whether cooperation with Intedat could bring any more significant results. SKF Commercial Director Antonín Vlček said:
“In the beginning I was skeptical for this reason, but even though we have a market share of 30%, new customers need to be actively approached all the time.”
Despite the initial uncertainty of what to expect from our solution, the company decided to use it – specifically to promote rolling bearings, which form an important part of its product range.
What is the goal of the project?
Our task is to thoroughly research selected markets, select potential SKF customers in them and find out which of them would be interested in using SKF products.
We then give the company a list of already contacted companies that have agreed to further contact.
How did we proceed?
Together with the SKF management, we set the criteria according to which we will select potential customers.
As a result, we approached 203 manufacturing companies from the field of engineering, agriculture and fluid technology, which may need rolling bearings in their production processes.
Part of the company filtering process was also a professional call script , according to which our employees contacted the companies. In this scenario, we represented the SKF company as such, and we ascertained initial interest from selected companies.
What are the results?
The results we have achieved to date can be summarized as follows:
- 203 approached companies
- 47 leads in total
- 15 leads to which we assigned a high priority (the companies in question showed great interest in SKF products)
In the next phase of cooperation, we are going to conduct a similar survey in Slovakia as well.
How does SKF itself evaluate the cooperation?
“I am pleasantly surprised by the result from Intedat, their output was professional and now thanks to them we receive specific requests, which was not the case before.”
What about apps?
Of course, we were also interested in how SKF employees got on with our Intedat application.
“The app is very good because it has analytics. This allowed us to see how many companies you approached and how many showed some interest.”
Advantages of cooperation with Intedat
SKF and our other partners appreciate, among others, the following benefits:
- You provide us with the documents once, and the results of our work flow to you continuously.
- You do not need to hire business development specialists, and thanks to this you will save not only time, but also money.
- If you want to expand abroad, we can reach your potential clients in their language.