The Ten Cold Calling Rules: 8. Offer something extra
In today's episode, we will show, among other things, how important it is to have a USP.
In the seventh part, we were reminded of a well-known, but sometimes neglected principle: Sell benefits, not features.
We thought that potential clients are not interested in your solution as such, but only in what it will bring to them :
- Will it save/make money?
- Does it save time?
- Will it simplify your life?
Today’s policy is:
Offer something extra
If you are involved in business and marketing, the acronym USP is certainly not a mysterious cipher for you. You know very well that the term ” unique selling proposition” is hidden under it.
But the fundamental question is:
- Do you have your USP clearly formulated?
- Can you offer your potential customer something that your competitors can’t?
If so , don’t forget to emphasize your USP in the interview.
If not , try to discover and clearly name your USP, your “trump of all trumps”.
A few tips on how to do it:
- Don’t just focus on what makes you different from the competition. Focus on the differences that are relevant to the customer.
- Remember that the B2B and B2C worlds are very different. Business clients may be approached by something completely different than end customers.
- Pay attention to the details. What may be a matter of course for you may be a major selling point for a future client.
Do you want to reach clients who will really appreciate your USP?
Contact us and arrange a free consultation.