Robotypes from the B2B world: 2. The answer to the basic question of emailing? 42!
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Any fan of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy knows that 42 is the answer to the fundamental question of life, the universe and everything.
But nowhere in Douglas Adams ‘ work do you read that the same digit also represents the answer to the basic question of e-mailing, i.e.:
According to HubSpot’s 2021 stats, how many dollars does every dollar invested in email marketing earn you?
That’s right.
Every dollar invested in (quality) emailing earns you $42.
That’s already a reason to consider email marketing, don’t you think?
(Source: 8 Ways to Build Relationships Through Email Marketing article on bluefrontiers)
Appendix: According to 2023 statistics, this amount (called ROI – return on investment) has decreased to “only” $36.
It’s still a pretty good number, though.
Previous robotip: Content marketing in numbers
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